Let’s face it, if you’re one of those people who prefer things to be fast and automatic….without too much effort and is not time consuming. Then, you may be in for a treat as we explain the pros and cons of using an ALL IN ONE automatic coffee machine.
All In One Auto Coffee Machine
Fully automatic coffee machines are really handy because it does everything by itself. All you need to do is provide the right ingredients (e.g coffee beans, fresh milk etc) and the machine will automatically do the rest.
Firstly, let’s have a look at some of the places that these machines can be used.
For people who are always on the go, in a rush, don’t like things too complicated or simply plain lazy.
To reduce the time each employee takes to make their cup of coffee when those time can be better spend. Also save or reduce time when making fast and delicious coffee for important clients and during meetings.
Regardless whether your salon is for beauty or hair, it is always a plus to provide clients with a cup of fresh coffee, but you don’t want your staff members to take too much time doing so because those time can be used to get the job done.
If you’re running one of those businesses that provides a showroom where clients often request coffee, you will want an automatic espresso coffee machine to do so….because you can use the valuable time instead to concentrate with your clients, hence generating more sales.
Food Business
Whether you’re operating a fast food, mobile catering or buffet business, an automatic coffee machine is a must to conserve resources to the maximum. These time can be used to serve customers like taking orders, serving foods, cleaning up….etc!
Why is it so convenient….you may ask?
That’s because these automatic machines generally comes with the following:
All you have to do is put the right amount of roasted coffee beans into the built in hopper and the machine will grind by itself.
This is very important for storing fresh milk inside the machine which will be pass on to frother when needed to make fresh milk foam.
This is where you get your instant hot water from to make your coffee or tea.
With the technology so advanced, these machines are pre-programmed to make the most popular coffees including cappuccino, latte, mocha, espresso and more. All you have to do is push the button and wait.
Now that you know the advantages of owning an auto coffee machine, it’s time to look at the reality.
While we have no doubt that such invention will benefit your business, you have to understand that with great convenience and rewards will usually come with a price.
That’s right!
Therefore, you can expect to pay high prices for one of these All-In-One automatic machines and yes, they can easily go up to thousands of dollars.
Another important thing you must realize is that because it is fully automatic, the result is always going to be slightly off than manual grinding and brewing. While this may not affect most people, but for those who have really high expectations on their coffee taste….please keep in mind that this may not be the perfect solution!